I.A.A organizes meetings to raise awareness of the importance of protecting the local environment and adopting strategies to deal with a changing climate. 

Environment and marine life

We carryout tree planting and marine protection exercises to conserve the environment and marine life to minimize the impacts of climate change.

Forest and wildlife conservation

I.A.A carries out nature-based education on forest and wildlife conservation to foster community engagement in sustainability.

waste management and climate action

I.A.A works with children of all ages, youths and community adults to take responsibility on proper waste management and climate action.

Agriculture and animal farming

I.A.A work with farming communities and grazers, helping them to reduce their carbon footprint in agriculture and animal farming by reducing farmed animals and use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in Agriculture.

As an Integrated Agricultural Association, we also conserve biological diversity, indigenous forests and maintain ecosystem services (water, soil, and carbon sequestration).